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Prillian Baby-

Ihre Mutter wurde vor der Empfängnis zu den Prillian Produkte, die sie ergriffen werden können einnehmen. Nach Auffassung der Mütter, die Prillian Produkte gut entwickelt. Ihre Mutter unternimmt jetzt die Prillian Produkten für die Gesundheit sind in der Lage, ihre Kinder zu erziehen.

Das Baby Prillian im Mutterleib verbraucht. Wegen ihrer mütterlichen Körpers war. Nun ist das Baby genommen Prillian gesund zu sein und wird alt, wenn ihre Eltern können ihnen die Produkte ihrer Eltern.

Zur Aufrechterhaltung und Aktualisierung des Systems Prillian 31. März eines jeden Jahres bis es möglich ist, zu erneuern. In diesem Jahr, 31.03.2013.

Hyppsy Waist Strap Black / S /

Item No.: 149/3
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Price: 7.800 Ft
Stock: verfügbar

Product description

Size: XS / S / M / L / XL / XXL
Color: Black / White
   Composition 95% Cotton, 5% Lycra, volcanic rock with screen printed textile

History of volcanic rocks


• Japanese researchers in the 1950s, the volcanic island of Hokkaido lakes examined in a special curative effect of rock were found. The research results will cause the rock to the appropriate place in 1965 Japan declared a national heritage site.
• 15 years of research and development of nanotechnology as a result of maximizing its potential produce a natural, microporous crystalline particles of mineral combination. Which include titanium dioxide, manganese oxide, iron oxide, aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide, zinc, calcium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium as well.
• The rocks of the "Mother Earth" and carries the basic information and transmits vibrations to the human body.
• The rock material is generated naturally by the body and is necessary to use negative ions and long-wave infrared radiation, as well as the healthy cells of the same vibration frequency it emits.

German doctors for over 80 years is used as a stand-alone therapy in the infrared
treatment. The unique results of research programs
striking: the use of infrared therapy after resistance
and the body's detoxification significantly improve the performance of
observed. The treatment implications of white blood cells and macrophages
increase in the number, of the blood antibodies, which are near us in the
fight against diseases. The most important discovery of the body's redox
potential influence of infrared radiation through. The human
harmful to life processes, uncontrolled oxidation reactions is phasing out
(Oxidative stress, toxic reactions, negative organic processes of life
The rock material issued by the skin 4-5 cm below
reaching a depth of infrared radiation due to the deep penetration of
for skin, muscle tissues and internal tissues of the effect of intensive
actions. The rock material with diverse management, positive impact on overall
consistent with the nature of medicine. These effects control the body's healthy
the mechanism of stimulating stem. The rock material helps the body function well.
Stimulate the immune system, increasing the resistance of the
self-healing forces are released, respectively. align the body's functions.

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Andrea Pavelka

Viele Kinder wuchsen heran, wo ich die Arbeit lieben gelernt. Mein Leben nahm eine Wendung, dass ich gezwungen war, 17 Jahre Ruß arbeiten. Ab einer Tiefe fing an, meine Zukunft zu bauen. Dann kam die Zeit, als er sein eigenes Geschäft fuhr.